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Schema Annotations

TimeBase Schema Annotations are used to annotate source/target language classes with TimeBase metadata. Annotations are used in class binding (when reading messages from TimeBase streams) and for introspection to create TimeBase schema for given classes in the source language.

Property Binding

TimeBase Schema Annotation can be used for classes in POJO and Java Beans notations. We use the following approach to bind TimeBase schema fields to the class/entity properties:

  1. Search for the public Property with <name> (case insensitive search).
  2. If public Property is not found, then search for the Property with SchemaElement annotation that has a <name> tag.
  3. If Property is not found, then binding considered as ignored and is for nullable fields only. It is considered as an Error for non-nullable data types.
  4. Each property may have additional methods with predefined names: has<Property> and nullify<Property>. If both methods are defined, use them to manage NULL values.
  5. All verifications should be done on accessors methods to make sure that data types are compatible.

Refer to Binding Algorithm for more information.

SchemaElement Annotation

The SchemaElement annotation is used to specify that a persistent property or field is mapped to a specific schema field. SchemaElement is also used to map entities (classes or ENUM) to Record Class Descriptor with a specified name. Default values apply in case SchemaElement annotation is not present.

  • name (Optional) - The mapped schema field name. Field's/property's name is used if empty.
  • title (Optional) - The title of the schema field. Not specified if empty.
  • description (Optional) - The description of the schema field. Not specified if empty.

name should be specified only when it overrides the default class name or field/property name.

SchemaElement annotation
public @interface SchemaElement {
String name() default "";
String title() default "";
String description() default "";
Annotating java objects with SchemaElement annotation
@SchemaElement(name = "deltix.timebase.api.messages.BarMessage", title = "Bar Message")
public class BarMessage extends MarketMessage implements BarMessageInterface {

public boolean isNational() {
return isNational == 1;

@SchemaElement(name = "deltix.custom.Status")
public enum Status {
@SchemaElement(name = "Closed")
@SchemaElement(name = "Open")

Schema Data Types

SchemaDataType ENUM defines the list of supported TimeBase Data Types by Persistence Provider.

Data TypeDescriptionSupported EncodingsJava Types.NET Types
CHARThe CHAR data type represents a single Unicode characterString, CharSequence, StringBuilderString, StringBuilder, MutableString
VARCHARThe VARCHAR data type represents a variable size string (text). An empty string is different from the NULL valueUTF8, ALPHANUMERIC(N)String, CharSequence, StringBuilder, long for ALPHANUMERICString, StringBuilder, MutableString, long for ALPHANUMERIC
BOOLEANThe BOOLEAN data type represents a Boolean (logical) value, which is one of TRUE or FALSEint, booleanint, bool
BINARYThe BINARY data type can be used for storing arbitrary raw data.byte[]byte[]
INTEGERThe INTEGER data type represents an integer number. The INTEGER type can be constrained by specifying the minimum and maximum values.SIGNED(N), N=8,16,32,48,64, UNSIGNED (M), M=30,61, INTERVALbyte, short, int, longbyte, short, int, long
FLOATThe FLOAT data type represents a floating-point number. The FLOAT type can be constrained by specifying the minimum and maximum values.BINARY (32), BINARY (64), DECIMAL, DECIMAL64, DECIMAL (n)decimal, double, float, long for DECIMAL64decimal, double, float, long for DECIMAL64
TIMESTAMPThe TIMESTAMP data type represents an absolute, time zone-independent, number of millisecond passed from 1/1/1970longDateTime
TIME_OF_DAYThe TIMEOFDAY data type represents a time of day in millisecond resolution.long, intDateTime
OBJECTThe Object type defines a structure, consisting of a determined sequence of fields.ObjectObject
ENUMThe enumerated type defines its values as a set of named, shortint, short
DEFAULTType from field/property will be used.


TimeBase offers a rich choice of encodings for the INTEGER data type:

Encoding# BytesMinMaxDescription
SIGNED (8)1-127127A signed 8-bit value.
SIGNED (16)2-32,76732,767A signed 16-bit value.
SIGNED (32)4-231231A signed 32-bit value.
SIGNED (48)6-247247A signed 48-bit value.
SIGNED (64)8-263263A signed 64-bit value. This encoding can be omitted in field specifications, because it is the default for the INTEGER data type.
UNSIGNED (30)1 .. 40230 - 2A packed unsigned 30-bit value. The smaller the number, the less space it occupies.
UNSIGNED (61)1 .. 80261 - 2A packed unsigned 61-bit value. The smaller the number, the less space it occupies.
INTERVAL1 .. 51231A non-zero value between 1 and 231, with optimal encoding for representing time intervals in milliseconds.


TimeBase offers a rich choice of encodings for the FLOAT data type:

Encoding# Bytes~RangeDescription
BINARY (32)4±3.4 * 1038Single-precision number, encoded according to IEEE 754 binary32 format.
BINARY (64)8±1.8 * 10308Double-precision number, encoded according to IEEE 754 binary64 format. This encoding can be omitted in field specifications, because it is the default for the FLOAT data type.
DECIMAL2 .. 9±1.8 * 10308A decimal floating-point number, encoded with automatically chosen precision. This encoding works best with smaller decimal numbers, such as24.25 or 1234.5556.
DECIMAL (n)2 .. 9±1.8 * 10308A decimal floating-point number, encoded with user-defined precision n, where n represents the number of fractional digits. This encoding works best with smaller decimal numbers, such as24.25 or 1234.5556. Numbers are rounded at encoding time to the specified number of fractional decimal digits. n can be between0 .. 14, inclusively.


TimeBase offers a rich choice of encodings for the VARCHAR data type:

NameMax Length# BytesDescription
UTF864,5342 + length * (1 .. 4)A Unicode string up to 64,534 characters long, encoded in UTF8. This encoding can be omitted in field specifications, because it is the default for the VARCHAR data type.
ALPHANUMERIC (n)n~0.75 * nThis encoding is highly optimized for storing small alphanumeric codes, such as typical currency or exchange codes. Strings that can be represented by this encoding are limited in length to n and can only be composed of characters whose ASCII codes are between 0x20 and 0x5F, inclusively. This includes the space character, [A-Z], [0-9] and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_. Note that lower-case letters are not supported.

Default Type Mappings

Java Type.NET TypeTimeBase Type
bytebyteINTEGER, SIGNED(8)
shortshortINTEGER, SIGNED(16)
floatfloatFLOAT, BINARY (32)
floatfloat?FLOAT, BINARY (32), [NULLABLE]
doubledouble?FLOAT, [NULLABLE]
enumenum?ENUM, [NULLABLE]

SchemaType Annotation

SchemaType annotation is used to specify a field's/property's data type in TimeBase. If SchemaType annotation is not present - then default values apply according to the field/property type.

  • dataType (Optional) - Data type specification. If omitted, default type will be used.
  • encoding (Optional) - Data type Encoding.
  • isNullable (Optional) - Nullability specification.
  • minimum (Optional) - Left bound for numeric data types.
  • maximum (Optional) - Right bound for numeric data types.
  • nestedTypes (Optional) - Polymorphic type specification for OBJECTs.
SchemaType annotation
public @interface SchemaType
     SchemaDataType dataType() default SchemaDataType.DEFAULT;
String encoding() default "";
boolean isNullable() default true;
String minimum() default "";
String maximum() default "";
Class[] nestedTypes() default { };
Annotating java objects with SchemaType annotation
@SchemaType(encoding = "SIGNED(8)", dataType = SchemaDataType.INTEGER, minimum = "1", maximum = "

public byte getContractMonth() {
return contractMonth;

SchemaIgnore Annotation

SchemaIgnore annotation is used to specify that field/property is excluded from mapping.

SchemaStaticType Annotation

SchemaStaticType annotation
public @interface SchemaStaticType {
String value()
    SchemaDataType dataType() default SchemaDataType.DEFAULT;

SchemaStaticType annotation is used to specify static persistent field/property.

PrimaryKey Annotation

PrimaryKey annotation is used to specify that persistent field/property is a part of the message's primary key.

RelativeTo Annotation

RelativeTo annotation
public @interface RelativeTo {
String value()
Annotating java objects with RelativeTo annotation
public double getHigh() {
return high;

RelativeTo annotation is used to specify that persistent field/property decoding depends on another field/property value.

Applicable for numeric types only.

  • value (Required) - Name of the TimeBase field.

TimeBase supports so-called relative encoding. Consider a typical financial event - the price bar. The one-minute price bar, for example, contains the open, high, low and close values of the price of a security for every one-minute interval. To optimize performance, it makes sense to store close as a number, and open, high, and low as a delta from close. This approach saves space and increases the reading speed. In TimeBase, the relative encoding mode is a generic part of the type system and can be used with any user-defined data structure, not only price bars.

OldElementName Annotation

OldElementName annotation
public @interface OldElementName {
String value()
Annotating java objects with OldElementName annotation
@SchemaType(encoding = "ALPHANUMERIC(10)", dataType = SchemaDataType.VARCHAR)
@SchemaElement(title = "Exchange Code")
public long getExchangeId() {
return exchangeId;

OldElementName annotation is used to specify backwards compatible TimeBase fields' names for the persistent field/property and entity. This annotation is used for automatic schema migration.

Bitmask Annotation

Bitmask annotation
public @interface Bitmask {
String value()

Bitmask annotation is used to specify that ENUM values should have bitmask numeric codes.

SchemaArrayType Annotation

SchemaArrayType annotation
public @interface SchemaArrayType

boolean isNullable() default true;
boolean isElementNullable() default true;
    SchemaDataType elementDataType() default SchemaDataType.DEFAULT;
String elementMinimum() default "";
String elementMaximum() default "";
lass[] elementTypes() default { };
Annotating java objects with SchemaArrayType annotation
@SchemaArrayType(elementTypes = {Level2Action.class} )

public ObjectArrayList<Level2ActionInfo> getActions()  {
return actions;
@SchemaArrayType(elementDataType = SchemaDataType.TIMESTAMP)
@SchemaElement(title = "Coupon Dates")
public LongArrayList getCouponDates() {
return couponDates;

SchemaArrayType annotation is used to specify TimeBase Array Type of the field/property.

If SchemaType annotation is not present - then default values apply according to the field/property type.

  • isNullable (Optional) - Nullability specification.
  • isElementNullable (Optional) - Nullability specification for the Array elements.
  • elementMinimum (Optional) - Array elements left bound for numeric data types.
  • elementMaximum (Optional) - Array elements right bound for numeric data types.
  • elementTypes (Optional) - Types specification for the ARRAY of OBJECT data types.

Known restrictions for the field/property mapped to SchemaArrayType:

  • Java primitive data types: BooleanArrayList, CharacterArrayList, ShortArrayList, IntegerArrayList, LongArrayList, DoubleArrayList, FloatArrayList, BinaryArray, ByteArrayList
  • Java objects: ObjectArrayList and ArrayList implementations
  • .NET: supported any implementation of the List

Supported Array Mappings

Java Type.NET TypeTimeBase Type DLL Notation
BinaryArrayBinaryArrayARRAY(INTEGER SIGNED (8))
BooleanArrayListIList boolARRAY(BOOLEAN)
ShortArrayListIList shortARRAY(INTEGER SIGNED(16))
IntegerArrayListIList intARRAY(INTEGER SIGNED(32))
LongArrayListIList longARRAY(INTEGER SIGNED(64))
FloatArrayListIList floatARRAY(INTEGER FLOAT BINARY (32))
DoubleArrayListIList doubleARRAY(INTEGER FLOAT)
CharacterArrayListIList charARRAY(VARCHAR)
ObjectArrayListIList ObjectARRAY(OBJECT)

Binding Algorithms

CLASS Binding Algorithm


  • TimeBase schema class with declared fields.
  • Non-abstract Java class extends InstrumentMessage.

Algorithm will bind each schema field to the appropriate public class field/property. For each schema field <dataField> having <name> do:

  1. Search for the public <field> annotated with <SchemaElement>:


    • toLowerCase(<name>) = toLowerCase(<SchemaElement>.name) AND
    • not annotated with <SchemaIgnore>
  2. Search for the public <field>:


    • toLowerCase(<name>) = toLowerCase(<field>.name) AND
    • not annotated with <SchemaIgnore>
  3. Search for the public <property> annotated with <SchemaElement>:


    • toLowerCase(<name>) = toLowerCase(<SchemaElement>.name) AND
    • not annotated with <SchemaIgnore>
  4. Search for the public <property>:


    • toLowerCase(<name>) = toLowerCase(<property>.name) AND
    • not annotated with <SchemaIgnore>
  5. if (<field> == null && <property> == null && NOT(<dataField>.nullable))

    throw Error

  6. if (<field> already bind)

    throw Error

  7. if (<property> already bind)

    throw Error

  8. Validate returned property/field types according to the table below.

  9. Search for additional hasers and nullifiers methods.

TimeBase TypeJava Type
VARCHARString, CharSequence, StringBuilder
BOOLEANboolean, byte
TIME_OF_DAYint, long
INTEGER, SIGNED(8)byte, short, int, long
INTEGER, SIGNED(16)short, int, long
INTEGER, SIGNED(32)int, long
FLOAT, BINARY (32)float, double
FLOAT, DECIMAL64long, double
BINARYbyte[], BinaryArray

ENUM Binding Algorithm


  • TimeBase enum schema with declared elements.
  • Non-abstract Enum class.

For each schema element with <name> do:

  1. Search for the public enum <value> annotated with <SchemaElement>:


    • toLowerCase(<value>) = toLowerCase(<SchemaElement>.name) AND
    • not annotated with <SchemaIgnore>
  2. Search for the public enum <value>:


    • toLowerCase(<value>) = toLowerCase(<field>.name) AND
    • not annotated with <SchemaIgnore>
  3. if (<value> == null)

    throw Error

  4. if (<value> already bound)

    throw Error


Properties use public getter and setter methods that are typically named after the Entity's class instance variable names. There is a getter method getProperty and setter method setProperty for every Entity Type persistent property. If the property is a Boolean, you may use isProperty instead of getProperty.