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Basic Concepts

This document provides brief overviews of several of TimeBase's key concepts and functionalities.

For definitions of specific terms, refer to the Definitions page.

Time Series Data

Time series data is a collection of observations produced over time by multiple sources like IoT sensors, software, stock trading platforms, payment processing systems, and so on. Usually, time series are presented as relatively large and chronologically arranged data sets.

Due to the nature of time series data, it may be difficult and costly to perform complex queries or habitual manipulations like grouping, joins, and so on. This is why, in most use cases, time series data is collected and consumed chronologically in streams and does not undergo complex transformations.

The nature of time series data makes traditional databases less suitable to store and process such data. TimeBase is a powerful time series streaming database and a messaging middleware, initially designed for the aggregation and streaming of large volumes of ultra-high frequency, low-latency time series data.


TimeBase stores time series events as messages.

Each type of event has a personal message class assigned to it in TimeBase. A message class has a set of fields (attributes) that characterize, describe, and identify each specific type of event.

Classes also have two attributes inherited from the instrument message parent class: timestamp (the time and date of an event) and symbol (the personal identifier of the time series source). All this makes messages similar to classes in high-level programming languages.

In the following diagram, financial market data for a specific trading instrument, symbol, is represented in the form of Trade and Best Bid/Offer (BBO) messages. Each message class has an individual set of fields and two attributes inherited from the parent class: symbol (trading instrument identifier) and a specific timestamp.

TimeBase supports a wide variety of primitive and complex data types.

Additional Resources
  • For more information on TimeBase messages, refer to the Messages page.
  • For more information on supported data types, refer to the Data Types page.


Messages are stored chronologically in streams by their timestamps for each symbol.

In the following illustration of a stream, we see messages of different classes (Best Bid/Offer (BBO) and Trade) aggregated by symbols (AAPL, AMZN, etc.).

All messages are arranged in the stream chronologically according to their timestamps (T1, T2, and so on). TimeBase offers a nanosecond timestamp resolution.

TimeBase streams may contain messages belonging to more than one class. In this case, a specific stream schema determines which message classes can be recorded to each stream.

Additional Resources

For more information on different types of streams, refer to the Streams page.

Write Data

Publishers (loaders) write data into streams.

Loaders add messages to streams in a chronological order. Several loaders can write to the same stream; however, each loader can only write data to one specific stream.

Additional Resources

For more information on working with loaders, refer to the Loaders API page.

Consume Data

Subscribers (cursors) read data from streams.

A single stream may have several cursors that read data from it and each cursor can read data from one or multiple streams. Cursors consume messages in exactly the same chronological order as they have been written by loaders.

Timestamp, symbol and class can be perceived as "keys" in other types of databases and serve for message indexing. Cursors use keys to subscribe for a specific subset of data.

Data consumed by cursors is a transformation of the original stream's timeline of messages where messages are filtered using any or all of the "keys" and are always chronologically arranged (T2>T1, etc.)

Subscribe to an Entire Stream

Subscribers (cursors) can consume an entire stream. In this case, a cursor receives all the messages in the same chronological order as they were written by loaders (publishers). Messages for all symbols are aggregated in one time sequence based on their timestamps.

The following image illustrates a stream timeline with all messages arranged chronologically.

Filter Subscription by Time

Subscribers (cursors) can filter subscription messages based on their timestamps. The original chronological order is preserved.

The image below illustrates a subscription for all stream messages starting from the timestamp T6.

Filter Subscription by Time and Class

Subscribers (cursors) can filter subscription messages based both on their timestamps and classes. The original chronological order is preserved.

The image below illustrates a subscription for all stream messages from the Trade class and starting from the timestamp T6.

Filter Subscription by Time and Symbol

Subscribers (cursors) can filter subscription messages based both on their timestamps and symbols. The original chronological order is preserved.

The image below illustrates a subscription for all stream messages with the AMZN symbol and starting from the timestamp T7.

Additional Resources

For more information on working with cursors, refer to the Cursors API page.

Comparison to Messaging Brokers and Databases

If we looked at other solutions that perform similar tasks, we could compare TimeBase streams to tables in relational databases. You can write data into streams, and schemas determine what kind of messages can be recorded to each specific stream. The key difference is that time series data is recorded in streams and consumed sequentially, whereas in relational databases, it is done via SQL queries using different groupings and joins.

On the other hand, streams and the way we work with them are similar to message brokers. Multiple readers and writers can work concurrently on the same stream. In TimeBase, data may be kept both in memory and be persisted to disk.

TimeBase can be used as a traditional time-series database and as a real-time data messaging/streaming server. Both use-cases can be implemented on the same instance of TimeBase.

Additional Resources

For more information on different types of streams, refer to the Streams page.