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Supported Versions

The installer supports the Windows, Linux, and MacOS platforms.

Running Installer

To launch the installer, run the installer jar without parameters:

java -jar deltix-windows-installer-online-<version>.jar

If you have a GUI-based operating system, the installer opens in the User Interface (UI) mode. For instructions on performing installtion in UI mode, see the UI Installer section.

If you have a headless operating system, the installer opens in console mode. For instructions on performing installtion in console mode, see the Command Line Installer section.

Console Mode

To launch console mode, use the -console command line parameter with the installer jar:

java -jar deltix-windows-installer-online-<version>.jar -console

Automation Mode

On the last installation step in the interactive UI and console modes, you have the option save your installation script. Saving your script generates the auto-install.xml file, which the automation mode uses in future installations.

Automation mode silently runs the installer and retains the choices you made during the original installation. You can use this mode to deploy Deltix products on multiple machines.

Save Automation Script

If using the interactive UI installer:

  • On the Installation Finished step, click Generate an automatic installation script.

If using the command line installer:

  • On the Installation Finished step, respond Y to the following prompt.

    Generate an automatic installation script
    Enter Y for Yes, N for No:

Run Automation Mode

To run the automation mode, specify auto-install.xml (the properties file for automation mode) to the installer jar as a command line parameter:

java -jar deltix-windows-installer.jar auto-install.xml

UI Installer

Download and run TimeBase Installer. Use the following procedure to setup TimeBase on your machine.

You can also install TimeBase in Docker by following our Quick Start guide.


TimeBase Installer requires Java 11 or newer to be installed on your machine.

Step 1: Launch Installation

To launch the installer:

  1. If you haven't already, execute the following command:

    java -jar deltix-windows-installer-online-<version>.jar

    The welcome window appears.

  2. Click Next.

Step 2: Licensing

Accept the license agreement and click Next.

Step 3: Installation

  1. Select the TimeBase installation folder and click Next.

  2. Enter your license key.

  1. Specify any other additional information.

Step 4: Deltix Components

  1. Select other Deltix products you wish to install.
  2. Click Next to run the installation.

Step 5: Run TimeBase

Once the installation is completed successfully, you can launch QuantServer Architect.

Command Line Installer

This section provides instructions on launching the command line installer, as well as the prompts you'll encounter in the installer along with the recommended responses.

Step 1: Launch Console

To launch the command line installer, run one of the following commands that corresponds to your system.


java -jar deltix-windows-installer-online-<version>.jar -console

On Windows systems, a new console window opens after you enter these commands.

Linux & MacOS

java -jar deltix-linux-installer-online-<version>.jar -console

Step 2: Target Path

When prompted for an installation path:

  • If you are installing TB for the first time, manually enter the path C:\Deltix\QS.
  • If you have performed an installation before, the previous path automatically appears.
Select the installation path: []

The target directory will be created:
Enter O for OK, C to Cancel:

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Step 3: Serial Number & JDK

When prompted for a serial number:

  • If you are installing TB for the first time, manually enter the serial number provided to you by the Deltix team.
  • If you have performed an installation before, the previous serial number automatically appears.
Serial number: [****]

[ ] Use HTTP Proxy to connect license server
Enter 1 to select, 0 to deselect:

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Choose a JDK by entering the corresponding number.

You can download JDK from
Specify JDK:
0 [x] Not Specified
1 [ ] + Add JDK
2 [ ] JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152)
3 [ ] JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.11+9)
4 [ ] JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.17+8)
5 [ ] JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1)

Step 4: Installation Name

Since you can have several installations in the same folder, it's recommended to specify the installation version in the installation name.

Specify Installation Name:
The Installation Name will be used to label program menu items, desktop shortcuts and OS services.
Leave empty to use default Installation Name.

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Step 5: Installation Packages


Selecting Y for the QuantServer pack is required.

Select the packs you want to install:

[x] Include pack 'QuantServer'
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:
[x] Include optional pack 'WebAdmin'
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:

Press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Step 6: Finish Installation

Your installation is confirmed.

Installation started
Framework: 5.1.3-84aaf (IzPack)
Platform: windows,version=10.0,arch=x64,symbolicName=WINDOWS_10,javaVersion=11.0.17
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: QuantServer (1/2) ]
Cleaning up the target folder ...
[ Processing package: WebAdmin (2/2) ]
Cleaning up the target folder ...
[ Unpacking finished ]
Installation finished

You have the option to save your selections for future installations by generating an automatic installation script. For more information on this option, see the Automation (Silent) Mode section.

Generate an automatic installation script
Enter Y for Yes, N for No:

Additional Parameters

Debug Functionality

The debug functionality provides the ability to debug your installer.

To run debug mode, launch the installer with the following command:

java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -DLicenseClient.timeout=10000 -jar deltix-windows-installer.jar

To debug the installer, use the remote debug configuration in Intellij IDEA.


The installer automatically writes the log file into the directory/install.log install file.

To specify a log file, use the -logfile <log_file_path> command line parameter:

java -jar deltix-windows-installer.jar -logfile <log_file_path>

You can also pass a logging configuration file as system property to the JVM calling the installer:

java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=<> -jar deltix-windows-installer.jar

Next Steps & References

Install TimeBase as a systemd Service on Linux

For information on installing TimeBase as a systemd service on Linux, refer to the How To page.

TimeBase Shell

Use TimeBase TickDB Shell CLI to work with streams and run various maintenance and operational commands.

Launch tickdb.cmd from bin TimeBase folder to open TimeBase Shell. Run ? to get a list of available commands.

Solution Generator

Use TimeBase Solution Generator (Solgen) to generate ready-to-go code samples in several supported languages.


For available samples, refer to the Client Libraries page.