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List of Negative Scenarios

This section describes expected feedback of services for various negative cases including connection lost, incorrect user's action etc.

Aggregator Reconnect

On TimeBase connection lost:

Aggregator stops all processes and goes to reconnect cycle where awaits until TimeBase connection will be restored.

On Data Feed connection failure:

Hybrid and Batch processes are stopped, Aggregator goes to reconnect cycle where awaits Feed connection restoration. Live process does nothing on Feed disconnect - it just waits when Feed connection will be restored.

Duplicate process key

Duplicate process keys are prohibited by the system. On attempt to define aggregator process with existing key, the following warning message is displayed:

Delete Stream Used by Aggregator Process

QuantServer provides diagnostic and resolutions when user tries to delete a stream which is being used as target stream in aggregator process configuration in order to prevent user errors.

Delete a stream from TimeBase Administrator:

On attempt to delete a stream which is used in aggregator process configuration from TimeBase Administrator, the following information box is displayed:

Delete a stream from Storage in QuantServer Architect:

On attempt to delete a stream which is used in aggregator process configuration from QuantServer Architect by right-mouse-click on corresponding stream in Storage box, the following information box is displayed:

Delete action deletes target stream as well as aggregator process itself. Change Target Stream action removes previous target stream from TimeBase, changes aggregator process configuration and then restarts aggregator process to write data into new target stream.

Delete Data Connector Used by Aggregator

QuantServer provides diagnostic and resolutions when user tries to delete a Data Connector which is being used as data source in aggregator process configuration in order to prevent user errors.

In order to delete a Data Connector from QuantServer configuration user has to uncheck checkbox with installed Feed.

On attempt to delete the Data Connector which is used in aggregator process configuration the following information box is displayed:

Delete action removes Data Connector from configuration and deletes aggregator process itself. Change Connector action removes previous Data Connector from QuantServer configuration, changes aggregator process configuration and then restarts aggregator process to receive a data from new source.

Starting Aggregator without Security Metadata Stream

Aggregator reads the SMD on as-needed basis, when the first process is started. If there are configured processes (while SMD is absent), aggregator is still able to start, but its processes initialization fails with "No SMD" error. Note that UHFS also fails to start, when SMD stream is absent.

Start Aggregator Process with Empty Security Metadata Stream

Aggregator allows to start process even there are no instruments to subscribe and warn user in log files that “There are no instruments to load!”. The behavior is identical for configurable feed and hybrid/batch processes.